Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm quite tired, it's 12 am at night, and for some reason this is the best blog writing time, so here I am. In two days we'll all be back at college, and while this means we'll all be able to see each other again (yay!) I'm not so thrilled about having to combine certain classes with the March intake. It's not really that I have anything against the March intake or anything, oh no. It's just..kind of awkward when we're already used to our small groups, not to mention the huge lecture theatres that'll be needed to accomodate so many students. But I guess that'll just prepare us for UniSA. I just hope I can manage to concentrate properly in such a large class. And what about participation marks? X.x Difficult enough in one joint lecture, never mind with 60+ extra students. Oh well. Have to suck it up and live with it, I guess. I can't imagine what it'll be like in UniSA. We're going to be with them in the same semester, right? Hmm. Food for thought.
Anyway, despite my best efforts the ends of my hair have become fluffy again, and I have no idea why - they just go curly again. But my hair's still mostly straight, so I guess it was still quite worth it. I'd post a picture but my webcam's gone a bit nuts, so you'll just have to see when I go back to college. Tips on maintaining straightened hair, anyone? Do I have to wash my hair less or what?
Also, here are a few pictures from the sleepover I did the week before last.
Haha. My friend Tao brought along a huge load of nail polish, so we put them in a circle and took turns to spin a bottle in the centre. Whatever colour the bottle pointed to was the one we had to paint, and this is what turned out. Guess which hand is mine!
Before you people start accusing me of obscenities, this is my index finger, as you can see, and the only one to get the accursed red. I mean, it looked like strawberry jam.

Us posing with our 'beautiful' fingers!

And again. Tao kinda got cut out of the picture!

Don't ask me why I was smiling like that because I have no idea. Excited I guess.


And crabs! XP
There were quite a few more but those are on Woei Lin's camera, (which she hasn't sent to me yet!!) so this is all for now. It was a fun night. We were going to watch Wanted on her laptop, but in the end it was too boring (or we were too tired) and we ended up going to sleep instead. I slept in the middle! (And I do NOT kick, ok.)
But anyway, listen up people, I have an agenda here.
1. My mom suggested that I have a BBQ party for my birthday. It'll most likely be on a weekend, if people can make it. I might host one if enough people decide to come. So, BBQ or no BBQ? My house is in Damansara Utama, near 1U and the Curve. Let me know if you're interested and we'll see how it turns out!
2. I might be able to get a laptop/handphone! (After much whining about injustice, which is all you need to know :P) Any recommendations? Especially for the laptop, what I know about laptop specs could fit in an ant's brain. Mom is saying either Dell or Acer, so..let me know. It's supposed to last me a good few years, so make it a good recommendation!
3. During the sleepover we did A LOT OF SHOPPING. And now I am officially broke, but I got a few new tops/pants, which I may or may not post pictures of depending on how lazy I am :P If I do, you get to help me pick what to wear on Friday! (Or Monday, if I don't do it in time).
4. Blueberry or chocolate?
That is all, good night people and I'll see you on Friday!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
It's Sunday night, I'm fishing in Achaea but the fish aren't biting, my brother doesn't have school tomorrow (dangit) Matthew's busy programming, MSN isn't working, and I'm bored. So - let me tell you what I've been up to this one week of holidays.- I went to straighten my hair (you all know that, and it's getting kinda fluffy now..no idea why)- Played Achaea all day long- Had a sleepover with my two friends (Christine, don't kill me, you all never said anything about it so I decided to have one of my own :P Just nice they can come..)- Results came out and I got a 4.0 CGPA (so, yes, you can stop asking)But ya know..the sad thing is a 4.0 CGPA doesn't really mean much to my family. The last semester when I got the same thing and told my mom, she was like, no big deal..'Your tests very hard meh?' So..*shrugs* Whatever, I guess. They're more concerned about my brother, who is kinda the opposite of me academically..and in looks as well. He's fairer and has big eyes. I kinda feel left out sometimes..I mean, easy or not I still worked for this grade. Often they go, 'How come don't have class again / how come so early finish one?? Got study one anot??' I feel like..just because I'm not a Science or Business course, they kind of look down on us. 'Mass Comm? Haiya that course..no need study one lah'. And it's not just them..it's everyone. Even my friends (not from this school)..when I went out shopping with them, if they saw a 'lalaish' type of clothing they'd go, 'Nah, you wear la - Mass Comm mar!' I realize that it was probably just a joke, but nevertheless this is one joke I will not laugh at - in fact, it's kind of a sore subject.How did Mass Communication students earn this type of reputation? You and I know how hard we work and study for our assignments, projects and tests. Just because compared to, say, A-Levels, we don't spend all our time bent over books and papers, and our assignments are more fun and less test-oriented, suddenly we're not worth anything. Just because we have more freedom with our clothes, suddenly all the Mass Comm students are sluts. Just because we have lower requirements and don't focus so much on academic grades, suddenly we're all retarded.That's not true.I'm sure I'm not the only one that's heard something like this, am I? Haven't you guys had to deal with opinions like this before? Have people ever asked you, "But you so smart, why go take Mass Comm? Not wasted meh?" How do you feel about it? Personally, I feel resentful, angry and a little sad. I suppose I should learn not to take things so seriously - but how can I help it when we're all generalized like this?But we'll show them, won't we? We'll work hard, we'll play hard, and we'll show them we're every bit as smart and talented as them. What people don't realize is the power lies in media. We change the world - how many lawyers/doctors (okay, doctors maybe)/ accountants can say that? We influence people, we build people up and take people down, we spread information, we publicize. We're the ones who work behind the scenes to ensure a successful event. We're the ones who bring star power and generate hype about the event so that people will want to come in the first place. We're the ones who create stars.What can you say about -your- profession?Without the media, even the biggest company is nothing. We -are- the power, but people just don't seem to realize that. It's okay, though, because we know. We have the power to change, to shape, to create. How many other professions can do that?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So I meant to blog this yesterday but I kinda forgot..no worries, I'll make it up today! I was lazing around in the sofa looking at my dry hair..I'd been wanting to change it for some time but still unable to make up my mind on whether I wanted to do rebonding or curl it. But at the very least, I knew I wanted to at least trim it - so I told my mom, and after doing a bit of driving practice (mom wants me to learn the road to my brother's school so I can fetch him if he misses the bus..ah well) we went to the salon I usually go to in SS2..no idea what it's called, but it's pink. My mom doesn't like it because she thinks they overcharge..I really wouldn't know, need to go compare prices :PShe dropped me there, and I talked to the stylist, who coincidentally has the same name as my aunt, and is also my aunt's regular hairdresser. I asked her what the difference between curls and rebonding was (I mean, obviously I know, but what are the pros and cons). So she said, if want easier to manage, then rebonding, if want sexier then curls. (I guess those that have seen me on MSN know what I picked :P) But yes, for those who don't, I picked rebonding..mainly because my hair is already dry enough, and I don't feel confident enough for curls just yet..if it come out not like what I expected then die :P But at least with rebonding you know what you'll get.So the stylist told me it'd take about 3 hours..meaning I'm definitely going to miss tennis for today. I called my mom, and she was shocked at first (she thought I wanted to curl :P) but eventually agreed. I asked the stylist how much and she said RM199 for the rebonding + RM 50 for the treatment (is that expensive? I seriously have no idea) and my mom was like, '...I'm going to take this out of your allowance okay.' No choice la :P Do only lo.So she trimmed my hair, cut off a few inches - it originally fell to the small of my back, now I think it's just below my shoulders..and her (trainee? Partner?) started doing the rebonding stuff. (Was a bit nervous because she couldn't speak English properly and seemed a bit inexperienced..) I think most of you have had rebonding done, so I won't go into too much detail..it involved a lot of horrible-smelling cream, washing, blowdrying, rinse and repeat. Anyway, I was sitting there for three hours..actually more like four..read my way through one issue of myc!, some other magazine, and a 老夫子 book..needless to say I finished with about an hour to spare, and was bored to death watching her blowdry/apply cream.When everything was done, the stylist came back and showed me my hair from the back with a mirror..it actually looked pretty nice :) All straight and shiny now instead of being wavy dead grass (as my dad likes to put it so eloquently) I actually don't mind it being wavy, but it is nice to have soft hair for once. The only thing is the stylist said I had to use the L'Oreal shampoo for the first two months to help the hair retain the chemicals or something..I dunno la, but the shampoo cost like 70 bucks. :S Naturally, mom wasn't very pleased about that..oh well. 
The shampoo looks like that, if I'm not mistaken. RM70!!
The whole ride home she was going, "Got any difference meh? I think your hair become coarser lo.. I thought you straighten should be all same length one? How come layer? Should all same length mar.." I was like...you spent RM319 (yeah, that's how much it cost all up) and then come and complain that there's no change..when in fact there is a huge change - my hair's all straight now, it's shinier, and I've had my hair cut too. I was so mad..but since she paid for my hairdo and actually let me do it in the first place..no choice la..hold my tongue..but I was fuming all the way back. And then my brother also said the same thing!! 'Got difference meh?' I really felt like strangling both of them. Way to boost my self-esteem, man.
But thank goodness when my dad came out and examined my hair, he was like, "Quite nice la, now more shining..at least better than before." And when I showed my friends (and you guys) they said it was nicer than the old hairstyle, at least (my old hairstyle got so kesian anot wor..) and Matthew liked it too, so it's all good :P After I went and bathed (wore my hair in a shower cap..I hate shower caps but oh well) they (meaning my mom) -finally- said 'Okay la, looks quite nice la..worth it la.' :P I feel vindicated.
Personally I feel it's quite nice..I mean, it's smooth, really easy to take care of and it makes me look more mature :P My best friend's been wanting to do it for ages but her mom's against straightened hair..quite funny because I also used to be really against straightened hair - I actually vowed that I would never do it, but that was back in the day where straightened hair was all the rage, and it wasn't rebonded hair either - it was really -straightened- hair, which made your hair look even more dry and lifeless than before. Rebonding is clearly different though, and I like my new hair :)
Like all good haircuts, you need before and after pics! I don't really have one that showed the full length of my old hair, so try to remember la..
Before! (Please ignore the cacated facial expressions)

My dad's office in Miri..where I went when I was absent from Malaysian Studies that one time.

Random webcam pics (Yeah, I know they're small..bear with me :X)

It looks longer than previously, but seriously it's not - I had at least an inch cut off!

And this is the back view! (Damn it's hard to take pics with a webcam that can't extend more than half a metre from the back of your CPU)
And no, I will not be dyeing my hair..at most I'll get it highlighted. :P
Night people, and happy journeys to those going on the Malacca trip - I can't go, got dental appointment. :( Have fun!
P.S. To Stephanie..this is crapping skills :P
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
So I'm sitting in the library, waiting for people to finish their Malaysian Media History exam..and then it's two week's worth of holidays for us! Yay! (come on, people, I already wrote far more than I needed to for my essays and you're still in there! Stephanie! I know you finished faster than me!) There's really no need to stay the entire hour, people..Anyway..I'm bored, someone hasn't woken up yet (It's 12.30 there..*twiddle*) can't really play games on this computer. Hmm. Therefore, I shall outline my holiday plans for you!Play games. (Lots and lots of games)- Design more jewellery. (Don't ask)- Earn more gold..credits! (Pet!)Blog more. (On all of my blogs :P At least one post each!)Maybe try and learn a little Flash. (Hey, two weeks at home..not all that much to do)Go out? (Maybe..see if my friends are free..probably on weekends or something)Drive more. (Sooner or later I guess..note to self: Never drive with mom)Go Blogskin hunting! (Still don't really like this one)And..umm...yeah...exercise more? (HAHAHA...as if)Yep..I think that's about it. So Vivien and Stephanie and Patrick are here..time to go to Pyramid..soon...it's only 10.30 am though. Watching 21/Hancock/something..Vivien: "Watching 21..got sex one!!"Vivien again: "Patrick! I didn't know you use Viagra!!"That is all :P
Monday, July 7, 2008
So it's 10.30 now, actually quite sleepy since I woke up this morning at 3 am to study stupid Malaysian Studies..don't really know whether it was worth it but oh well. Tomorrow's English, which is why I'm not panicking and rushing to study yet..that comes tomorrow, with Malaysian Media History. :PBoth Intro to Mass Comm and Malaysian Studies papers were okay I guess..I completely forgot to write my student ID number on my IMC MCQ paper =.= I have no idea why I forgot..I remember thinking that there wasn't any space to write the number but I just completely forgot the left hand corner. Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with me nowadays. I asked Ms. Catherine about it and she said it'd be okay, but I'd probably better go and email Mr. Ben or something.Anyway, I'm kind of sleepy (dangling modifiers, misplaced modifiers, comma splices, run on sentences..etc) so..I just have a few observations to make.It's no secret that there is tension brewing between Group 1 and Group 2, has been this way ever since Semester 1. Then, we banded together as a team. But as time goes on, lines are blurred, and people get to know each other more intimately - as Ms. Catherine said, this is when the true colours will be shown. There's tension amongst group members as well, if you keep your eyes peeled and your ears open.Therefore, being a non-aligned member (I know, too much Malaysian Studies), here is some impartial advice:1. There's a difference between 'being unique' and 'being someone nobody likes'. It's all well and good to say 'Hey, I don't care what people think, if they can't like me for me, that's their problem', but have you ever considered that the problems you may face as a result of this could outweigh their loss? There's no need to give up your individuality - just don't force it on people. If the whole world doesn't 'like you for you', there's something wrong there - and no man is an island.2. Confrontation is always better than implied hostility. If you think someone doesn't like you for whatever reason, thrash it out, no matter how awkward it seems. Don't wait for the poison of hurt and resentment to seep in - it'll be doubly hard to get rid of after that. Get everything out, clear the air - only then can there be healing.3. With regards to #2, I have yet to hear about a proper confrontation. All the psuedo-confrontations don't count. Once you truly confront somebody about some issue, have at it then and there, say everything you want to say, and that's it. Don't hide feelings inside - they'll just eat away at you from within. Speak your mind, be as candid/brutal/forthright as you want, but expect the same back. Feelings will be hurt, yes - but at least the wound is clean. If it's too difficult to do in person, do it over MSN. The results will still be the same.4. There are always two sides to a story - listen to both the sides before you make your judgement. We are Mass Comm students, people!!5. Putting other people down does not make you 'cool'. In fact, it makes you look stupid because you should know better. How do you expect people to respect you if you can't respect them?6. Gossiping, while fun, can be potentially damaging. If you really must gossip - then get the facts straight.7. Nobody likes slackers.Cryptic? Too obvious? You decide. Disclaimer: I am not talking about any person in particular for any of the points and therefore all similarities to your situation are clearly coincidental. However, if you read this, and think one or more of this seems familiar... ;)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm quite tired, it's 12 am at night, and for some reason this is the best blog writing time, so here I am. In two days we'll all be back at college, and while this means we'll all be able to see each other again (yay!) I'm not so thrilled about having to combine certain classes with the March intake. It's not really that I have anything against the March intake or anything, oh no. It's just..kind of awkward when we're already used to our small groups, not to mention the huge lecture theatres that'll be needed to accomodate so many students. But I guess that'll just prepare us for UniSA. I just hope I can manage to concentrate properly in such a large class. And what about participation marks? X.x Difficult enough in one joint lecture, never mind with 60+ extra students. Oh well. Have to suck it up and live with it, I guess. I can't imagine what it'll be like in UniSA. We're going to be with them in the same semester, right? Hmm. Food for thought.
Anyway, despite my best efforts the ends of my hair have become fluffy again, and I have no idea why - they just go curly again. But my hair's still mostly straight, so I guess it was still quite worth it. I'd post a picture but my webcam's gone a bit nuts, so you'll just have to see when I go back to college. Tips on maintaining straightened hair, anyone? Do I have to wash my hair less or what?
Also, here are a few pictures from the sleepover I did the week before last.
Haha. My friend Tao brought along a huge load of nail polish, so we put them in a circle and took turns to spin a bottle in the centre. Whatever colour the bottle pointed to was the one we had to paint, and this is what turned out. Guess which hand is mine!
Before you people start accusing me of obscenities, this is my index finger, as you can see, and the only one to get the accursed red. I mean, it looked like strawberry jam.

Us posing with our 'beautiful' fingers!

And again. Tao kinda got cut out of the picture!

Don't ask me why I was smiling like that because I have no idea. Excited I guess.


And crabs! XP
There were quite a few more but those are on Woei Lin's camera, (which she hasn't sent to me yet!!) so this is all for now. It was a fun night. We were going to watch Wanted on her laptop, but in the end it was too boring (or we were too tired) and we ended up going to sleep instead. I slept in the middle! (And I do NOT kick, ok.)
But anyway, listen up people, I have an agenda here.
1. My mom suggested that I have a BBQ party for my birthday. It'll most likely be on a weekend, if people can make it. I might host one if enough people decide to come. So, BBQ or no BBQ? My house is in Damansara Utama, near 1U and the Curve. Let me know if you're interested and we'll see how it turns out!
2. I might be able to get a laptop/handphone! (After much whining about injustice, which is all you need to know :P) Any recommendations? Especially for the laptop, what I know about laptop specs could fit in an ant's brain. Mom is saying either Dell or Acer, so..let me know. It's supposed to last me a good few years, so make it a good recommendation!
3. During the sleepover we did A LOT OF SHOPPING. And now I am officially broke, but I got a few new tops/pants, which I may or may not post pictures of depending on how lazy I am :P If I do, you get to help me pick what to wear on Friday! (Or Monday, if I don't do it in time).
4. Blueberry or chocolate?
That is all, good night people and I'll see you on Friday!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
It's Sunday night, I'm fishing in Achaea but the fish aren't biting, my brother doesn't have school tomorrow (dangit) Matthew's busy programming, MSN isn't working, and I'm bored. So - let me tell you what I've been up to this one week of holidays.- I went to straighten my hair (you all know that, and it's getting kinda fluffy now..no idea why)- Played Achaea all day long- Had a sleepover with my two friends (Christine, don't kill me, you all never said anything about it so I decided to have one of my own :P Just nice they can come..)- Results came out and I got a 4.0 CGPA (so, yes, you can stop asking)But ya know..the sad thing is a 4.0 CGPA doesn't really mean much to my family. The last semester when I got the same thing and told my mom, she was like, no big deal..'Your tests very hard meh?' So..*shrugs* Whatever, I guess. They're more concerned about my brother, who is kinda the opposite of me academically..and in looks as well. He's fairer and has big eyes. I kinda feel left out sometimes..I mean, easy or not I still worked for this grade. Often they go, 'How come don't have class again / how come so early finish one?? Got study one anot??' I feel like..just because I'm not a Science or Business course, they kind of look down on us. 'Mass Comm? Haiya that course..no need study one lah'. And it's not just them..it's everyone. Even my friends (not from this school)..when I went out shopping with them, if they saw a 'lalaish' type of clothing they'd go, 'Nah, you wear la - Mass Comm mar!' I realize that it was probably just a joke, but nevertheless this is one joke I will not laugh at - in fact, it's kind of a sore subject.How did Mass Communication students earn this type of reputation? You and I know how hard we work and study for our assignments, projects and tests. Just because compared to, say, A-Levels, we don't spend all our time bent over books and papers, and our assignments are more fun and less test-oriented, suddenly we're not worth anything. Just because we have more freedom with our clothes, suddenly all the Mass Comm students are sluts. Just because we have lower requirements and don't focus so much on academic grades, suddenly we're all retarded.That's not true.I'm sure I'm not the only one that's heard something like this, am I? Haven't you guys had to deal with opinions like this before? Have people ever asked you, "But you so smart, why go take Mass Comm? Not wasted meh?" How do you feel about it? Personally, I feel resentful, angry and a little sad. I suppose I should learn not to take things so seriously - but how can I help it when we're all generalized like this?But we'll show them, won't we? We'll work hard, we'll play hard, and we'll show them we're every bit as smart and talented as them. What people don't realize is the power lies in media. We change the world - how many lawyers/doctors (okay, doctors maybe)/ accountants can say that? We influence people, we build people up and take people down, we spread information, we publicize. We're the ones who work behind the scenes to ensure a successful event. We're the ones who bring star power and generate hype about the event so that people will want to come in the first place. We're the ones who create stars.What can you say about -your- profession?Without the media, even the biggest company is nothing. We -are- the power, but people just don't seem to realize that. It's okay, though, because we know. We have the power to change, to shape, to create. How many other professions can do that?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So I meant to blog this yesterday but I kinda forgot..no worries, I'll make it up today! I was lazing around in the sofa looking at my dry hair..I'd been wanting to change it for some time but still unable to make up my mind on whether I wanted to do rebonding or curl it. But at the very least, I knew I wanted to at least trim it - so I told my mom, and after doing a bit of driving practice (mom wants me to learn the road to my brother's school so I can fetch him if he misses the bus..ah well) we went to the salon I usually go to in SS2..no idea what it's called, but it's pink. My mom doesn't like it because she thinks they overcharge..I really wouldn't know, need to go compare prices :PShe dropped me there, and I talked to the stylist, who coincidentally has the same name as my aunt, and is also my aunt's regular hairdresser. I asked her what the difference between curls and rebonding was (I mean, obviously I know, but what are the pros and cons). So she said, if want easier to manage, then rebonding, if want sexier then curls. (I guess those that have seen me on MSN know what I picked :P) But yes, for those who don't, I picked rebonding..mainly because my hair is already dry enough, and I don't feel confident enough for curls just yet..if it come out not like what I expected then die :P But at least with rebonding you know what you'll get.So the stylist told me it'd take about 3 hours..meaning I'm definitely going to miss tennis for today. I called my mom, and she was shocked at first (she thought I wanted to curl :P) but eventually agreed. I asked the stylist how much and she said RM199 for the rebonding + RM 50 for the treatment (is that expensive? I seriously have no idea) and my mom was like, '...I'm going to take this out of your allowance okay.' No choice la :P Do only lo.So she trimmed my hair, cut off a few inches - it originally fell to the small of my back, now I think it's just below my shoulders..and her (trainee? Partner?) started doing the rebonding stuff. (Was a bit nervous because she couldn't speak English properly and seemed a bit inexperienced..) I think most of you have had rebonding done, so I won't go into too much detail..it involved a lot of horrible-smelling cream, washing, blowdrying, rinse and repeat. Anyway, I was sitting there for three hours..actually more like four..read my way through one issue of myc!, some other magazine, and a 老夫子 book..needless to say I finished with about an hour to spare, and was bored to death watching her blowdry/apply cream.When everything was done, the stylist came back and showed me my hair from the back with a mirror..it actually looked pretty nice :) All straight and shiny now instead of being wavy dead grass (as my dad likes to put it so eloquently) I actually don't mind it being wavy, but it is nice to have soft hair for once. The only thing is the stylist said I had to use the L'Oreal shampoo for the first two months to help the hair retain the chemicals or something..I dunno la, but the shampoo cost like 70 bucks. :S Naturally, mom wasn't very pleased about that..oh well. 
The shampoo looks like that, if I'm not mistaken. RM70!!
The whole ride home she was going, "Got any difference meh? I think your hair become coarser lo.. I thought you straighten should be all same length one? How come layer? Should all same length mar.." I was like...you spent RM319 (yeah, that's how much it cost all up) and then come and complain that there's no change..when in fact there is a huge change - my hair's all straight now, it's shinier, and I've had my hair cut too. I was so mad..but since she paid for my hairdo and actually let me do it in the first place..no choice la..hold my tongue..but I was fuming all the way back. And then my brother also said the same thing!! 'Got difference meh?' I really felt like strangling both of them. Way to boost my self-esteem, man.
But thank goodness when my dad came out and examined my hair, he was like, "Quite nice la, now more shining..at least better than before." And when I showed my friends (and you guys) they said it was nicer than the old hairstyle, at least (my old hairstyle got so kesian anot wor..) and Matthew liked it too, so it's all good :P After I went and bathed (wore my hair in a shower cap..I hate shower caps but oh well) they (meaning my mom) -finally- said 'Okay la, looks quite nice la..worth it la.' :P I feel vindicated.
Personally I feel it's quite nice..I mean, it's smooth, really easy to take care of and it makes me look more mature :P My best friend's been wanting to do it for ages but her mom's against straightened hair..quite funny because I also used to be really against straightened hair - I actually vowed that I would never do it, but that was back in the day where straightened hair was all the rage, and it wasn't rebonded hair either - it was really -straightened- hair, which made your hair look even more dry and lifeless than before. Rebonding is clearly different though, and I like my new hair :)
Like all good haircuts, you need before and after pics! I don't really have one that showed the full length of my old hair, so try to remember la..
Before! (Please ignore the cacated facial expressions)

My dad's office in Miri..where I went when I was absent from Malaysian Studies that one time.

Random webcam pics (Yeah, I know they're small..bear with me :X)

It looks longer than previously, but seriously it's not - I had at least an inch cut off!

And this is the back view! (Damn it's hard to take pics with a webcam that can't extend more than half a metre from the back of your CPU)
And no, I will not be dyeing my hair..at most I'll get it highlighted. :P
Night people, and happy journeys to those going on the Malacca trip - I can't go, got dental appointment. :( Have fun!
P.S. To Stephanie..this is crapping skills :P
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
So I'm sitting in the library, waiting for people to finish their Malaysian Media History exam..and then it's two week's worth of holidays for us! Yay! (come on, people, I already wrote far more than I needed to for my essays and you're still in there! Stephanie! I know you finished faster than me!) There's really no need to stay the entire hour, people..Anyway..I'm bored, someone hasn't woken up yet (It's 12.30 there..*twiddle*) can't really play games on this computer. Hmm. Therefore, I shall outline my holiday plans for you!Play games. (Lots and lots of games)- Design more jewellery. (Don't ask)- Earn more gold..credits! (Pet!)Blog more. (On all of my blogs :P At least one post each!)Maybe try and learn a little Flash. (Hey, two weeks at home..not all that much to do)Go out? (Maybe..see if my friends are free..probably on weekends or something)Drive more. (Sooner or later I guess..note to self: Never drive with mom)Go Blogskin hunting! (Still don't really like this one)And..umm...yeah...exercise more? (HAHAHA...as if)Yep..I think that's about it. So Vivien and Stephanie and Patrick are here..time to go to Pyramid..soon...it's only 10.30 am though. Watching 21/Hancock/something..Vivien: "Watching 21..got sex one!!"Vivien again: "Patrick! I didn't know you use Viagra!!"That is all :P
Monday, July 7, 2008
So it's 10.30 now, actually quite sleepy since I woke up this morning at 3 am to study stupid Malaysian Studies..don't really know whether it was worth it but oh well. Tomorrow's English, which is why I'm not panicking and rushing to study yet..that comes tomorrow, with Malaysian Media History. :PBoth Intro to Mass Comm and Malaysian Studies papers were okay I guess..I completely forgot to write my student ID number on my IMC MCQ paper =.= I have no idea why I forgot..I remember thinking that there wasn't any space to write the number but I just completely forgot the left hand corner. Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with me nowadays. I asked Ms. Catherine about it and she said it'd be okay, but I'd probably better go and email Mr. Ben or something.Anyway, I'm kind of sleepy (dangling modifiers, misplaced modifiers, comma splices, run on sentences..etc) so..I just have a few observations to make.It's no secret that there is tension brewing between Group 1 and Group 2, has been this way ever since Semester 1. Then, we banded together as a team. But as time goes on, lines are blurred, and people get to know each other more intimately - as Ms. Catherine said, this is when the true colours will be shown. There's tension amongst group members as well, if you keep your eyes peeled and your ears open.Therefore, being a non-aligned member (I know, too much Malaysian Studies), here is some impartial advice:1. There's a difference between 'being unique' and 'being someone nobody likes'. It's all well and good to say 'Hey, I don't care what people think, if they can't like me for me, that's their problem', but have you ever considered that the problems you may face as a result of this could outweigh their loss? There's no need to give up your individuality - just don't force it on people. If the whole world doesn't 'like you for you', there's something wrong there - and no man is an island.2. Confrontation is always better than implied hostility. If you think someone doesn't like you for whatever reason, thrash it out, no matter how awkward it seems. Don't wait for the poison of hurt and resentment to seep in - it'll be doubly hard to get rid of after that. Get everything out, clear the air - only then can there be healing.3. With regards to #2, I have yet to hear about a proper confrontation. All the psuedo-confrontations don't count. Once you truly confront somebody about some issue, have at it then and there, say everything you want to say, and that's it. Don't hide feelings inside - they'll just eat away at you from within. Speak your mind, be as candid/brutal/forthright as you want, but expect the same back. Feelings will be hurt, yes - but at least the wound is clean. If it's too difficult to do in person, do it over MSN. The results will still be the same.4. There are always two sides to a story - listen to both the sides before you make your judgement. We are Mass Comm students, people!!5. Putting other people down does not make you 'cool'. In fact, it makes you look stupid because you should know better. How do you expect people to respect you if you can't respect them?6. Gossiping, while fun, can be potentially damaging. If you really must gossip - then get the facts straight.7. Nobody likes slackers.Cryptic? Too obvious? You decide. Disclaimer: I am not talking about any person in particular for any of the points and therefore all similarities to your situation are clearly coincidental. However, if you read this, and think one or more of this seems familiar... ;)