Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm really bored and sick today, so lucky you people, you get a second tag!


People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.


Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

Well, I wasn't tagged by anyone, I just felt like doing it. :P

1. What day is it?

It's Monday today, if that is relevant at all.

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

Ah..having someone come down (or is it up) to Malaysia for a few weeks. Or maybe, if I want to dream bigger, have a happily ever after.

3. Have you ever thought of committing suicide? Tried before? How?

Hmm..I have thought about it, yes. The time I broke up with my first boyfriend..I put the knife I bought for him in China against my skin, but didn't do anything other than that, because I'm scared of pain :P And I wasn't really serious about it..just really heartbroken at the time. But sometimes when I get really depressed I do think about ways to suicide, and I have concluded that the easiest way would be to get someone to smother you with a pillow, only the person would get charged for murder..and I haven't found a way around that yet. (And no, even if I do, I promise I won't do it, all right :P)

4. What would you do if you won the Miss Universe?

HA. That will be the day. Erm..I really don't know, because it's such an unlikely scenario that I just can't picture it. Probably do something for charity or something, I don't know.

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?

I would, and have. :) (I have more than one best friend, okay!)

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

Being loved by someone is infinitely more blessed. The knowledge that someone, or some people, can accept you wholly for who you are and are always there for you when you need them, always taking your side yet not afraid to tell you if you're doing something wrong..that's love, and it is precious.

7. What would be the most ideal way to wake up to in the morning?

Waking up from a good dream, to see that it's still early (8-9), and then lying there thinking about a good day ahead, or the knowledge that someone will be awake to greet me. :)

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

Probably just get over it. Find some other eye candy, there are lots of fishes in the sea. It's happened before anyway, and the guy went on to become my boyfriend, heh - and I wasn't even obsessing over him or anything.

9. If you like to act with someone, who would it be? Actor/actress or bf/gf?

Erm. Probably my boyfriend, if both of us don't burst out laughing when we try to act. :P I don't like acting anyway.

10. Will you invite your Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?

Probably not, most my relationships never ended well (then again, I've only been in 3).

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?

Ah..hopefully with a nice job, and maybe preparing to be married :) Settling down in life and finally having a direction.

12. What makes u happy??

Hm..a lot of things make me happy. Talking to my friends..completing/getting good grades for an assignment and/or test..being praised..talking to him..getting money :P Buying something that I really like for a cheap price :P (Yeah, typical girl, I know) dressing up..lots of stuff!

13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Erm..if it's early, shut off the alarm..if I don't have to get up immediately, roll around in bed a little before finally convincing myself to wake up.

14. Would you give all in a relationship?

I often the first one, I gave too much..second one, same thing, but I realized I didn't want to give that much so I broke it off..third one..I think he gives more than me *shifty*

15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

I probably won't fall in love with two people at the same time - there will always be one who speaks to my heart more. Attracted to two people at the same time, that case, I would pick the one I was closer to, but if even then they're the same..probably the one I can visualize myself with. (Yes, so I size up guys and visualize myself with them, sue me :P)

16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?

If you asked me this perhaps 2, 3 years ago, I would have said no..but recently I've discovered that I just can't stay mad at people for long (like I told Tao yesterday). I want to, but I can't, and I've decided that hatred only makes you suffer. It eats away inside you and creates this gigantic pool of black hate and eventually destroys you from within - thus, it's better not to hate. According to Psychology there's no such thing as 'forgiving but not forgetting', but to some extent I think it's possible.

17. Is there someone who you dislike or despise right now?

Right now..I dislike plenty of people, sure :P But despise..nah, not really.

18. If your girlfriend/boyfriend told you that she/he is actually a prince/princess, what will you do?
I'll laugh..then I'll go, 'uh..are you serious?' If it's true, then I'll be stunned, and then think about what this means for our relationship. Yes, I'm serious like that :P

Uh..six people to tag?

Tao, Woei Lin (both of these people will never do tags), Stephanie, Samantha, Vivienne, Patrick.


Okay..Stephanie tagged me ages and ages ago, but I have nothing to do now (well, that isn't true, but still) so I shall do your tag, Steph. :P

Never see the questions before you arrange the names - all mentioned below are TAGGED by me!
1. Tao
2. Woei Lin
3. Matthew (even though he technically doesn't have a blog)
4. Stephanie
5. Vivienne

1. How did you meet 1? (Tao)
Ah..we were in the same class in Form 2, I think she was the treasurer..were you? I can't remember now, but I think so.

2. On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate your friendship with 1? (Tao)
Probably an 8 or a 9..she's been my best friend for at least 3 years now, and been through a lot of things together - even though we're in different colleges now, and don't talk much, when we do talk it's like we never stopped. :P I can tell her anything, and she knows she can tell me anything - if we remember. :P

3. How long have you known 4? (Stephanie)
Ah..known her since Foundation this year, just one of those really friendly people whom you feel comfortable with instantly, although she doesn't acknowledge it :P Been a good friend in college since then, and I've told her things I don't tell anyone else.

4. How do you know number 3? (Matthew)
Well, I got to know him in Achaea, an online RPG game that I play. We shared the same city, but never really talked until one day I asked for a spar for my Order requirements, and he answered. He beat me, but spent almost an hour after that teaching me to improve my fighting. That's how we first met.

5. Where's 5? (Vivienne)
Erm..I really have no idea. She's not online, so..bathing? Eating? Sleeping? Or maybe gone's Deepavali after all.

6. A fact about number 1? (Tao)
Her nickname is Donut!

7. Who is 4 going out with? (Stephanie)
O.O Stephanie! Are you going out with someone I don't know? :P Well, not that I know of, currently, but the guy whom she does end up with will be a very lucky man. :)

8. What does 1 do for a living? (Tao)
She's studying A-levels now, shortly going into Law I think..but she has her own blog selling bags and accessories. If you guys want you can check it out -

9. Would you live with number 3? (Matthew)
*grin* I would, if my parents wouldn't freak out about it. But no more on that subject, so shush. :P

10. What do you like about number 2? (Woei Lin)
Well, Woei Lin wants to be a psychologist, so sometimes in class I used to tell her about my problems (Tao wasn't in the same class then) and she'd try to give me advice. Mostly I listened to her problems though. :P

11. Do you miss number 5? (Vivienne)
Well, I just SMSed her yesterday, and probably will later tonight, so no - not that much. :P But I will once the holidays start!

12. Would you make out with number 4? (Stephanie)
....riiiiiight. No thanks, I don't swing that way despite numerous attempts to convert me (I'm not even kidding).

13. What's your opinion on number 2? (Woei Lin)
Well, she's the youngest in her family so sometimes can act a bit spoiled :P But she's actually pretty mature, especially since she's the only girl and actually does housework *shifty* Which is more than I can say for myself! Ah..I also really admire the way she can charm grownups. :P None of them seem to be able to resist her - yesterday when we were at curve this trader was practically falling over himself to give us discounts and even free drinks :P

14. What's your favourite memory with number 5? (Vivienne)
Hmm..again, probably my birthday party. We had a good time!

15. What will you do if number 1 and 2 were going out? (Tao and Woei Lin)
Ah..probably console two heartbroken boyfriends. And never go out with them both at the same time ever again. XP

16. Ever had a long conversation with 5? (Vivienne)
Yes, but I think it was mainly about assignments. :P

17. Have you ever slept at 2's house? (Woei Lin)
No! This is why you have to host a sleepover this time, Woei Lin! It's a sign, I tell you!

18. Do you hang out with 3 a lot? (Matthew)
I wish...well, 80% of my time is spent with him on MSN/Achaea, but in person..never. I suppose you could count it as hanging out though.

19. Who have you known the longest? (Tao)
Actually I've known Tao and Woei Lin both as long..but I think Tao longer, because Woei Lin wasn't that close to me in Form 2.

20. What will happen if number 1 and 5 have a relationship? (Tao and Vivienne)
Erm..well, at least they're both about the same height? *hides* But nah, would never work out - too contrasting personalities. Besides neither of them swing that way. :P

21. How often do you talk to 1? (Tao)
Well, whenever I feel like it or whenever she talks to me doesn't really matter. Usually I start the conversations :P Like that la..busy busy person.

22. What about 2?? (Woei Lin)
This one even worse..never know when she's going to stop talking to you. I usually don't talk to her that much on MSN because she has to share her computer with her brother and always disappears halfway.

23. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend? (Matthew)
What do you think? :P

24. Would you go on a date with number 5? (Vivienne)
Erm..we do go out on outings together with friends, but dates...I think we both have better things to do with our time :P

25. Do you dream about number 2? (Woei Lin)
Er, not frequently. Actually I have no idea if I ever did at all. I might have!

26. What did no.4 did to you that you can never forget? (Stephanie)
Ah..I don't know if I would 'never' forget, but currently one thing that sticks in mind is the brainstorming for our Sem 2 project, and complaining about people. :P

27. What have you done for/to 1 that the person never forgets? (Tao)
Gosh, so many things to list..but then again I wouldn't know what she won't forget, right? :P Probably the scrapbook I made her on her 17th birthday. That was so freaking difficult.

28. What's 3's hobby? (Matthew)
Oh, this one is easy! Programming. *sagenod*

There, Steph, I finished it! :P

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All right..yes I am guilty of neglecting this blog, but in truth I have been busy with assignments (which is not really a valid excuse in my case since everyone knows how I do assignments, but still) and other personal relationships. Therefore, here is a post to appease readers of this blog (if there -are- readers of this blog :P If not, I need something to do while my hair dries and I can go to sleep!)

On the subject of personal relationships, I have been thinking a lot about mine. Not the boy-girl relationships that inevitably comes up when you say the word 'relationships', but I mean in terms of friendships as well.

I've been in Taylor's College for 10 months now, and I find that I have (I think) reasonably good relationships with most of my coursemates, some a little closer than others. However, I'm not -really- close to any one of them, which I know is mostly my own doing - I don't contact coursemates much out of college, I don't go out all that often and my mobility is limited. Plus, I'm quiet by nature and I don't mix around with other people that easily, which is a downside to a Communication student but not one I can really do much about - the current me is a huge improvement to what I was a year ago, and even then it's not really a good situation to be in.

I enjoy the occasional gossip, sure..but I'm not interested in drama. I really don't care much about how this person is fighting with this person, or how that person thinks that this person likes the person that that person likes (yes, very confusing, I know). I already have too much to juggle on my plate without being inquisitive about the personal affairs of others (which is not to say that I don't become curious every now and then, but I don't make it my personal mission to find out and spread the word). Regrettably, my quietness and lack of interest for classroom politics has left me somewhat out of the loop, and unable to share inside jokes and things like that with coursemates, which consequently affects our relationships.

This is a somewhat sad situation, although I don't really mind for the most part. Being in a long-distance relationship means you have to make certain sacrifices, and for me, it is time - time that could have been spent improving relationships with friends. However, I chose not to out of my own accord, mainly because I find that I tend not to do assignments in college anyway, and I'm not an energetic person - more than 6 hours of interaction leaves me drained. I dislike wasting time, therefore I choose to go home instead of staying in college and coming home even more tired. personality somehow seems not to mesh very well with the others. I -can- be hyper at times, but not often, and only on topics/events that I can really get into. I seldom make self-deprecating and/or silly jokes, and sometimes look a little lost when friends tease each other or talk about their current love interests. A lot of my coursemates are high energy types, and while this makes them fun, it's a little difficult for me, who is...not so energetic. It's something I can't really help though.

I love what I'm studying, right now, and all egoism aside I know I can be good at what I do. However..I'm wondering if I really am the right type of person to go into Mass Communication - it seems like the type of people required for this course has to be 1) energetic and attention-grabbing, and frankly I'm just not that kind of person. I can be when the situation requires, but on a normal day I'm just your quiet, average girl.

Hmm. Perhaps I should go for counselling.

All this aside though, thank you to those at college who have made my 10 months (and hopefully longer) stay know who you are. :) I'm sorry I haven't been able to be a very good friend, but if you have problems you know where to find me, and I promise I'll listen, at the very least. After all, isn't that what everyone wants sometimes? Just a good listener?

I can do that.

I look at pictures of group photos, and I mean huge group photos, and sometimes I wish I had a big group of close friends like that. Still, on the whole, I'm happy with the way my life is now - it's not perfect, but I'm grateful for what I have. I have two best friends that I can not talk to for weeks and yet when I do, it seems like time has never passed. I have a very special someone whom I spend hours with every day and knows me better than anyone else in the world, is incredibly supportive and very smart. I have good friends in college that may not be the closest people to me, but have my back and accepted me - as a friend.

I think that's something to be grateful for, don't you?